International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IJPAC)


9. Thermal, infrared and X-ray diffraction properties of sediment samples from El-Mex Bay, Alexandria, Egypt.

M. S. Masoud*, M.I El-Samra**, W. M. El-Sarraf** and M.M.El-Sadawy**.

* Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University.

** National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +20 3 583 22 15; fax: +20 3 391 17 94.
E-mail address:  (M.S. Masoud).

Abstract: Some physical and chemical parameters (water content, carbonate, pH, Ca, Mg, SO4, P, Na, K, and some heavy metals) were determined in sediment samples collected from El-Mex Bay, West of Alexandria, Egypt. The load pollution index (PLI) was calculated. Thermal gravimetric (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), infrared and X-ray diffraction were applied to determine the mineral composition of sediments. Different kinetic parameters (n, Ea, A, DH, DS, Tm and Z) were evaluated and discussed.

Keywords: Marine sediments; Thermal analysis; TGA–DTA; X-ray diffraction; El-Mex Bay, Egypt.
