International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IJPAC)


6. Kinetic Study on The Preparation and Properties of  Copolymeric Membrane of Acrylonitrile & a-Methyl Styrene Accelerated by Arsonium Ylide

Rita Awasthi

Department of Chemistry, Brahmanand P.G.College, Kanpur (India)

Abstract: This communication presents the detailed study on the synthesis and properties of the copolymer of acrylonitrile and a-methyl styrene produced by the accelerating effect of  p-acetyl benzylidene triphenyl arsonium ylide(p-ABTAY)  in DMF at 65±0.1 șC by reducing the rate of termination. The solubility behavior and chemical resistance of this copolymer has also been studied in order to confirm the nature of the copolymer.

Key words: Monomers, copolymerization, ylide, rate of polymerization, intrinsic   viscosity, dilatometric technique, solubility, chemical resistance.
