International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IJPAC)


10. Statistical Regression Analysis of Under Ground Water and Quality of South- West Area of Jaipur City and its Agglomerates

Sonika Sharma, R.C.Chhipa*

Department of chemistry and Centre for Air & Water Modalling, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur-302 025,
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Abstract: In this study, the statistical regression analysis methods is applied to twelve   water quality data sets obtained from the South- West area of Jaipur city  and agglomerates  in dry season  (April 2010 to May 2010). Total seven physico–chemical characteristics (Total Dissolved Solids, Total Hardness, Chloride, Nitrate, Electrical conductivity, Sodium, and Fluoride ) were analyzed and observed values were compared with standard values recommended by Indian standard(IS) . WQI value in this area shows poor water quality due to high value of TDS and EC.  Systematic correlation and regression study showed significant linear relationship between TDS &EC (.996). It can be concluded that the Total dissolved solids and Electrical Conductivity are important physicochemical of drinking water quality parameters, because they are correlated with most of the water parameters.


Keywords: Total Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids, Chloride, Regression equation, Water Quality Parameter

