International Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IJPAC)
"Publisher: Global Research Publications"


17- Effects of Cadmium on Germination, Early Seedling Growth and Metal Contents of Maize (Zea mays L.)

Mehmet Aycicek1*  and Mehmet Yaman2

1 Firat University, Bingol Trade College, Bingol-Turkey
2Firat University, Sciences and Arts faculty, Department of Chemistry, Elazig-Turkey

*Corresponding author: e-mail:

 Abstract: The plant uptake is one of the major pathways by which toxic metals enter to human food chain. The irrigation water, important source of toxic metals in plants, is contaminated with effluent and other pollutants due to the widespread industrialization. Cadmium has an increasing international concern because its toxicity is generally considered to be much higher than those of other heavy metals and it is readily taken up by plants.

                In this study, maize plants were grown by using the Cd-added irrigation water at different concentrations. Increasing Cd applications in the irrigation water caused decrease at dry weight and the ratio of root weight to total weight in seedling throughout the growth period. It was found that increased Cd and Fe concentrations in seedlings were observed with increasing Cd treatments, except 21-days for iron. Cd and Fe concentrations in shoots of maize were observed significantly lower than those in roots.

 Keywords: Cadmium, maize, metal, irrigation water, plant seedling
